Thursday, March 12, 2009

Blood Pressure

Yesterday I got in touch with the nephrologist's nurse and they are increasing Payton's blood pressure meds to twice a day instead of just once a day. It was still running high (some times during the day, extremely high), so hopefully the extra dose will help keep it down. We should know in about two weeks how it's working for her. And, ofcourse, the lab at our hospital never got all of the results back to the nephrologist, so I called the hospital today and they should be faxing the results back to her doctor. I'm not really expecting anything from the bloodwork....I'm guessing it's just related to the narrowing.

This weekend we are taking the kids to Branson to ride the train. As awful as it sounds, we never go anywhere unless we are traveling to see family or going to the doctor. The anxiety it causes Payton has just not been worth it. Because the celexa has seemed to help her calm down, we are going to give it a shot. I am hoping and praying the trip goes well and that she is able to enjoy herself (I know Koen will) because if it goes anything like our last KY trip, I predict another few years before we try again :) I still have nightmares over that KY trip! I'll update when I get back to let you know how it went - with lots of pictures, I'm sure!


Julie said...

Good luck and have fun.

Noel said...

Try to enjoy yourselves. Payton may surprize you Abi always surprizes me!!
Can't wait to see the pictures.

( I am glad they upped her meds. I was starting to worry for you:)

Michelle said...

I hope the increase in meds does the trick! and I also hope you all area able to have fun on this trip!

Julie said...

I just had to let you know. Guess what Noah's new FAVORITE thing to do is? Rip up paper. I remember Payton doing it. Ironic, huh?