Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New School Year-New Quirks

The first few days with Payton went pretty well at kindergarten, but we've gone downhill every day. She still has such a hard time communicating exactly what's going on, so I usually get bits and pieces and then finally am able to put it all together. Typically when she didnt' want to go to school she would tell me she didn't want to rest (they have a 20minute rest time). I would then explain to her that everyone has to rest and to just lay down quietly until the teacher says she can get up. Well, sometime in the past five days she's told me she tries to go potty during rest time (her way of getting out of it) and the teacher says no going potty during rest time. So last night after her gazillion meltdowns she finally says something about a lullaby. It's then that I realize they are playing soft, slow music during rest time. I don't know about your kiddos - but Payton just sobs when anything like a lullaby, Jesus Loves Me, etc is played. It just makes her so darn sad. So - her way of getting away from it was to try and go potty. Today she went with her big headphones to cover her ears during rest time. Hopefully that will ease her anxiety over rest time. If not, they said they could take her to the special ed class and she could stay in the quiet room for her 20 minutes of rest time. She does make me laugh though because she says rest time is SSOOOOO long.

The other struggle with Payton lately has been leaving the house. She is terrified we will not be able to find our way back. This started around July and has been an issue ever since. When my children were babies it was hard being in a car when they would be crying....just wanting to be held or out of their carseat. Now that Payton is is exhausting listening to her scream in the car anywhere we go. I've gotten some suggestions from the listserve that I'm going to try with her, but I really did assume that when I would explain that mommy knows how to get home she would not be so anxious over it. Whew!! Anxiety is so delibitating for these kids.

Last night I was more than pleased with Payton on her new blood pressure medicine - she can now swallow a pill! It's a small pill, but so much easier than mashing it up and putting it in applesauce. And-we are seeing results.......this morning it was 105/61!!! I'm much more at ease now :)


Tes said...

Thanks to God for the medication! I agree our kiddos make you think outside of the box. Headphones great idea. On the map, maybe laminating a picture of her head and drawing a body put some velcro on the back, laminate the map (wonder if you could freehand a colorful fun map)have her put herself at the start, then get to school move her to the school etc.

Noel said...

I thinkt he headphones were a brilliant idea! and I agree with Tess...the map sounds like it might work too...

Michelle said...

I didn't see this post before I commented on the other one about school - sorry it has gone downhill :( I hope using the headphones helps at rest time.